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Multimedia, Research and Creative writing

Multimedia Guidelines

Instructions from Servants:

Michael Iskandar Number: (647) 530-3267

Michael Iskandar E-mail:

The time for Multimedia consultation if needed is Wednesday from 6 pm till 6 pm through WebEx with a prior messaging to Michael.

 Click Here for Wednesday's Webex Meeting.

Competition Guidelines:


  • Choose one of the projects below and make sure to relate it to the theme of the Mahragan.

    • Graphics: Create a computer image. Suggested Programs: Photoshop or Twisted Brush

    • Web Design: Design a webpage. The webpage may include images and/or music. Suggested

      Programs: FrontPage or WebDwarf or ChocolateBanana or StrawBerryMango.

    • Multimedia: Create a video or a slideshow. Suggested Programs: Windows Movie Maker or


    • Computer Game: Create any Christian computer game. Suggested Program: Game Maker 8

    • Mobile Application: Create a mobile app. Suggested Program: Qt Creator

  • All projects must be the original work of the participant and should reflect his or her creative ability. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will negatively affect your mark.

  • Groups participating in the Multimedia activity may be represented by one or more members of the group and have one or more submissions. If there is more than one submission representing the group, the higher mark will count as the group mark in Multimedia.

  • At the final submission, the project must be handed on CD, DVD, our USB and cannot be submitted by email.

  • All resources used should be consistent with our Orthodox beliefs, whether images, movies, songs, or data. All references should be included.

  • During the final presentation, the competitor must bring his/her own laptop ready to run the multimedia project for evaluation purposes.




Topic/Content: 25%

Technical Capability: 25%

Mechanics: 25%

Oral Presentation Skills: 25%

Research Guidelines

Instructions from Servants:

Michael Iskandar Number: (647) 530-3267

Michael Iskandar E-mail:

The time for Research consultation if needed is Wednesday from 6 pm till 6 pm through WebEx with a prior messaging to Michael.

 Click Here for Wednesday's Webex Meeting.


Competition Guidelines:

  • The research paper must be related to the Mahragan theme.

  • Below is a list of suggested topics that connect with this year’s theme.

  • Submissions must be in Arial 12 point font and double spaced. Diagrams with references may be included but are not counted towards the total page count.

  • Page count per Grade:

    • Gr.JK and SK: 0.5-1 page.

    • Gr 1 and 2: 1 page.

    • Gr.3 and 4: 2-4pages.

    • Gr.5 and 6: 3-6pages.

    • Gr.7 and 8: 4-8pages. 

  • Groups participating in the Research activity may have one or more submissions. If there is more than one submission representing the group, the higher mark will count as the group mark in Research.

  • The research project may be presented in the form of a poster, a brochure, or an essay.

  • A bibliography must also be included with the submission. Please note that all research papers must be

    the student’s original work. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will negatively affect your mark.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit one soft copy to and two hard copies by the date of final submission; one with name, grade, and Church, and the other put grade only.

See the online calendar for submission dates.


Steps for research:


  • Select a topic and think of a specific thesis (have a question your research will answer)

  • Choose appropriate resources (books, online publications, etc.)

  • Identify the key information you will use and its source (through highlighting, annotating, etc.)

  • Reword the key information in your own words

  • Add the reworded information to your final copy

  • Include your source in your bibliography 




Writing Conventions (Spelling, punctuation, and grammar): 9%

Organization: 16%

Information:  16%

Quality Of Research Information: 16%

Theological Accuracy: 9%

Bibliography: 9% 

Presentation of the Research: 9%

Connection of Research with The Theme: 16%

Creative Writing Guidelines

Instructions from Servants:

Michael Iskandar Number: (647) 530-3267

Michael Iskandar E-mail:

The time for Multimedia consultation if needed is Wednesday from 6 pm till 6 pm through WebEx with a prior messaging to Michael.

 Click Here for Wednesday's Webex Meeting.

The creative writing competition includes two categories: Poetry and Short Story. Poetry is a rhymed or unrhymed verse which develops a central theme or image. A short story is a fictional piece that utilizes setting, plot, and characterization to reveal an implied theme.


Competition Guidelines:

  • The creative writing competition is for all ages.

  • The work must relate to the theme of the Mahragan and should be drawn from our Church spirit, its values and traditions.

  • At the final stage of the competition, submit two copies of your work. Only one of the copies must contain a plain, undecorated title page clearly indicating your Church, your name, and the title of your work.

  • Recommended word count per grade for short stories:

    • SK: up to 100 words with pictures 100 

    • Gr. 1-2: 200 words

    • Gr. 3-4: 200 - 500 words

    • Gr. 5-6: 500 - 800 words

    • Gr. 7-11: 800 - 1000 words

    • Gr. 11 and up 1000 - 1500 words


  • Recommended line count per grade for poetry:

    • Sk: 3 to 5 lines

    • Gr. 1-2:  5 to 8 lines

    • Gr. 3-4: 8 lines

    • Gr. 5-6: 10 lines

    • Gr. 7-8: 15 lines

    • Gr. 9 -10:  18 lines

    • Gr. 11 and up 18 + lines

  • Groups participating in the creative writing activity may be represented by one or more members of the group and have one or more submissions. If there is more than one submission representing the group, the higher mark will count as the group mark in creative writing.

  • All submissions must be the student’s original work. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will negatively affect your mark.


Evaluation Criteria:


Criteria for evaluating stories:


1. Idea and purpose – 10%
• The idea has to be serious and must have a purpose.

2. Creativity and Choice of words – 10% • New way of treating an issue

3. Clarity and Brevity – 10%
• The vocabulary must be clear and easily understood. The use of archaic language should be avoided.

4. Arrangement & Flow of Sentences – 20%
• Creates a natural flow of events or creative arrangement of events that inspire interest or intrigue

5. Use of figurative language – 10%
• Using allegorical or metaphorical language to illustrate the main idea.

6. Grammar and composition – 10% • Vary your syntax

7. Efficiency in producing the desired effect upon the reader – 10% • No unnecessary phrasing

8. The overall effect of the story – 20%


Criteria for evaluating poetry:


1. Idea and purpose – 10%
• The idea has to be serious and must have a purpose.

2. Creativity and choice of words – 10% • A new way of treating an issue

3. Clarity and Brevity – 10%
• The vocabulary must be clear and easily understood. The use of archaic language should be avoided.

4. Rhythm – 20%
• Creates rhythmical echo appropriate to the intention of the poem

5. Use of figurative language – 10%
• Using allegorical or metaphorical language to illustrate the main idea.

6. Grammar and composition – 10% • Vary your syntax

  • Efficiency in producing the desired effect upon the reader – 10%

    • No unnecessary phrasing

    • Don’t use words just to fill out the missing rhythm

  • The overall effect of the poem – 20% 

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